
Makeup Cosmetics For Animals?

I always thought that political campaigns were "Dog & Pony Shows", but this years presidential campaign is a real "Dog & Pig Show". With the comments of vice-presidential candidate and Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin about the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull being lipstick and presidential candidate Senator Barak Obama saying "You can put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig", we may have a new trend in pet grooming. * Star Sincker * I'm sure there won'tbe a picture of a pig or a pitbull on the cover of Vogue magazine anytime soon, but I do recall a nice looking pig in the Michael J. Fox movie, "Doc Hollywood". With the party mascots of these two cadidates being a donkey and an elephant, who knows what kind of bullcrap we can expect. " You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear". Maybe they can use this when they talk about the budget. Looking forward to more makeover politics from these two. Sarah Palin video "hockey mom, pit bull lipstick" Barak Obama video "pig,lipstick"

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