
If The Shoe Fits!

President Bush was in Iraq at a news confernce over the weekend with the president of Iraq. As he was answering questions from reporters, one of them suddenly started shouting at President Bush and threw both of his shoes at him. Secret service agents and others subdued the man and dragged him out as he continued to yell at the president. President Bush showed great reflexes as he bobbed and weaved dodging the flying objects. With calm and confidence he was able to finish the conference and comment on his attacker.

* Star Snickers * I wonder if Pesident Bush thought he was giving him an early Christmas present. He noticed the shoe size. They were size 10. I guess it's the thought that counts. As they were dragging the man out someone thought he said, "You dog, you killed innocent Iraqies." Maybe he was trying to say, "Walk a mile in my shoes." or " If the shoe fits, wear it." Anyway, I'll bet the President thought about the words of that old song, " Shoe fly don't bother me" or was it " Shoes that fly don't bother me".

If he loses his job as a reporter, maybe he could pitch for the Yankees. If he gets a phone call from Madona, we might be seeing him in pinstripes soon. What if President Bush caught one of his shoes and threw it back at him and hit him. Like This Song


Initial Reaction To Barak Obama!

      President elect, Barack Obama will assume the highest office in the United States of America on January 20th 2009. He will also become the "Commander In Chief" of the U.S. military forces around the world. He may even be referred to as "the most powerful man on the planet". But, President Obama does not want anyone to use his middle name, "Hussein" when referring to him. Maybe he thinks it will reminds people of the captured dictator of Iraq, Saddam Hussein.

      I thought we might want to look back at some previous presidents and how they were referred to in order to help our newly elected president with this ploblem. In the 1960s President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was and still is known as, "JFK". President Lyndon Baines Johnson was called "LBJ". * Star Sinckers * Maybe we could start calling Barack Obama, "B.O". (Not to be confused with Bob Obedorf, a friend of mine from grade school). This way we'll never have to use the new president's middle name. That's my "Initial" reaction to Barack Hussein Obama. Shop NFL Teams


Makeup Cosmetics For Animals?

I always thought that political campaigns were "Dog & Pony Shows", but this years presidential campaign is a real "Dog & Pig Show". With the comments of vice-presidential candidate and Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin about the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull being lipstick and presidential candidate Senator Barak Obama saying "You can put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig", we may have a new trend in pet grooming. * Star Sincker * I'm sure there won'tbe a picture of a pig or a pitbull on the cover of Vogue magazine anytime soon, but I do recall a nice looking pig in the Michael J. Fox movie, "Doc Hollywood". With the party mascots of these two cadidates being a donkey and an elephant, who knows what kind of bullcrap we can expect. " You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear". Maybe they can use this when they talk about the budget. Looking forward to more makeover politics from these two. Sarah Palin video "hockey mom, pit bull lipstick" Barak Obama video "pig,lipstick"


A Sound Decision

The California State Legislature has past a bill requiring the new hybrid and electric cars to be noisier. It seems that the sight impaired, "the blind" , are unable to hear the new cars. * Star Snickers * We think they could use this as a solution. You know how when you're stopped at an intercection and a young person comes along side of you and all of a sudden your car starts shaking to the blaring sound of the latest music craze? Well, let's make the automobile manufacturers load the trunk and back seat and even the roof of these new cars with speakers. This woould at least give the blind a fighting chance. What do you say? Crank it up and save lives! Read the rest of the story.

Here's Poop In Your Eye

Manhattan's Shizuka Day Spa offer's the Geisha Facial or the "Bird Poop Facial". They use Nightingale droppings in the mixture to make the skin shine. * Star Snickers * This gives new meaning to the teasing kids give each other when they call someone a "Poopy Head". See video for the rest of the story.


Playing "Chicken" In School !

Somebody let 50 Chickens loose in a high scool in Philadelphia , PA over the weekend. Because of the floors being covered with "Chicken crap" and "Chicken feed", about 3,600 students were sent home. A local farmer came to round-up the Chickens. Police were looking at surveillance tapes to find out who pulled off this "fowl prank". * Star Snickers * I hope they get a "bird's eye view" of the whole caper. No, this wasn't a filming of the sequal to "Chicken Run". And no,the Chicken weren't running scared because they just heard about a pop math quiz! The lunchroom manager wouldn't comment if today's menu included "Chicken fingers". Get the rest of the story. Submitted by shopmlbteams.com